Customer service channels

Companies invest a lot in the procurement of customers. Whether marketing, sales, or advertising costs, the sky is the limit. However, the attention seems to fade once the customers have been reeled in. After putting in all that effort to gain a customer, we believe it's essential to put an equal amount of effort into keeping them. By holding up a mirror to our partners, we try to challenge the status quo and urge them to take a good look at their company regarding CX and CS. A customer's experience will predict future loyalty and possible repurchasing choices when interacting with a company, so optimising your CX and CS is key. But where to start? Well, it might be a good idea to take a peek at the core of the operation: the communication channels.

Customer service channels

How to choose the right channel for you

Where we used to solely use phone calls and physical conversations as channels, we now have a plethora of options to choose from, with new technological advances paving the way for even more. Just think of AI allowing us to use chatbots, social media facilitating outreach, and various specialised platforms aiding us in our customer service endeavours. And don’t forget your marketing and website - both extremely powerful and useful channels for CX and CS that can resolve issues before they even start. By applying this kind of preemptive customer service, you create a stronger connection and can even boost sales. For example, if a potential customer comments on an Instagram post, exclaiming how happy they are with the new dress they bought from your webshop, you can respond and tell them that the dress is also available in red and can be shipped within 24 hours. They might not have requested this information, but you can trigger them and entice them by being proactive. 

How do you know which best suits your company’s needs with so much choice?

Unfortunately, we cannot give you an unequivocal answer. The channels used for a company should be personalised to the customer's wishes. For instance, younger shoppers enjoy using social media to gain customer service. When facilitating customer service for B2B-clients, a phone call or email is much more appreciated. Chatbots are effective as a sales trigger and as a way to gain information - but it is not ideal when a customer is looking to solve a problem. However, a chatbot doesn't adhere to working hours and gives you a constant connection to your customer - no matter the time. The best way to figure out what suits your company best is by consulting your data and checking in with your customers and potential customers. You’d be surprised how much you learn by simply asking what type of communication they would like.

Plotting out the perfect strategy

The next step is to create a strategy on how to provide customer service and facilitate an excellent customer experience. Try to create a plan on how you will facilitate an omnichannel approach that bleeds through into all aspects of the company and all stages of the buying process. With different types of consumers come different kinds of channels and services. Use data as your compass but don’t forget that data does not know all and sometimes strategies need to be adjusted. We urge all of our partners to embrace their entrepreneurial spirit and dare to try. You can find the CX and CS that best fit your company by trying different channels and methods.

However, keep in mind that the perfect channel doesn’t do much unless you have great customer service agents using it. As the main point of contact with customers, customer service agents truly are the most important cog in the CS machine. Gaining trust and connecting with customers is key when creating a long-term relationship with them. And that is exactly what customer service agents do best. That is why we at weWow believe in the power of our people. We give our customer service agents ownership over their work, letting them connect to the customer in ways they see fit. 

Remember, it’s not quantity but quality that wins in the end. Want to experience this type of quality for yourself? Reach out to us, and we’ll be more than happy to walk you through all of what weWow has to offer. 

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